
Showing posts from September, 2021


The blue colour light emitted by computer screens disrupts our sleep patterns and upsets our lives. If we spend the majority of our time on computers, especially at night, we will certainly suffer. Blue light helps us see the computer screen better during the day, but it might disrupt our sleeping patterns and cause eye discomfort at night. Sleeping is a time when our bodies undertake some important work to restore any damage or dysfunction caused by our daily activities. However, if you spend your evenings on the computer without using this option, you will undoubtedly hurt your eyes and sleep patterns. Actually, blue light disturbs our Circadian Cycle that leads to poor health. What is Circadian Rhythm?  Circadian is derived from the Latin phrase "Circa Diem," which means "about a day." A circadian rhythm, also defined as a circadian cycle, is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and happens every 24 hours on average. Our pineal glands p