
Showing posts from March, 2023

What is Data Backup System ?

Data Backup plays an important role in today’s digital world. As we are progressing further and developing new technologies to make our life easy-going, we are generating enormous amount of data. This enormous amount of data is known as Big Data. Big data means continuous generation of mystify and demystify data. To protect this sort of data is a crucial part of digital system. In order to safeguard this valuable data there is a need of backup system.  Backup of data is an important task to safeguard your digital assets like drawings, photo and database etc. Dependency on digital computer world insists us to take back up of our valuable data regularly. So, what is Backup? What is  Data Backup ?  Backup is a method to keep your data more securely in other places so that in case of loss of data due to hardware failure, malware attack, accidently delete something,  fire and natural disaster etc. to retrieve the same. This is a wonderful way to protect your digital world. Keeping data more

Computer and Mobile Induced Diseases

Technology has given us computer and mobile and both play a pivotal role in developing human being. Mobile is work like computer nowadays and no field is exempt from the influence of computers. The majority of us spend a significant amount of time using computers/ mobiles every day. Due to spending of most of the time on computer / mobile, we are more susceptible to several illnesses, some of which may be fatal, due to our excessive use. Let's therefore have a look at a few ailments that can harm our health if we use them quite often.   Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) : Pain in hand and wrist It causes pain in hands and wrist. This disease happens due to lot of typing, continuous stress, long hours of using mouse and restrictive movements of hands. Basically it happens due to pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve helps to move your wrist, forearm, hand and fingers. Precaution:   Gently bend your arm and wrist after every 30 minutes. Use wrist-rest to support your wrist Keep y